My videos will not only help you solve issues that are keeping you up at night but enable you to turn them into personal and professional development accelerators! It’s my goal that you master the inner game of startup leadership as well as the outer BEFORE your next exit. I want the next startup you dedicate yourself too to be one that solves one of the countless problems threatening life as we know it.

In fact, the best arena for rapid personal and professional development is the leadership team of a venture-backed startup if you know how to leverage the opportunity as such. This is what I want to teach you how to do.

Since leaving the startup I founded for executive coaching in 2010, I have spent more than 7000 hours in one-to-one coaching conversations with startup leaders facing make or break challenges. In my sessions, I provide both the tactical advice as well as the personal and spiritual development insights that accelerate my client’s development in all areas of their life.

These videos are a personal challenge. Can I provide you with “save the day” coaching advice AND the game-changing personal and or spiritual development insights a 4 to 8-minute long video? You tell me how I am doing in the comments.

I will focus on helping you solve the little known and seldom discussed issues that plague co-founders and the teams that work for them from near Series A through Exit.

I will organize the videos using playlists and keywords making it easy for you to find a video that addresses the challenge you are facing.